This jar is currently my favorite pot. In time there will be another...
For me, being a potter fulfills a lifetime search for personal expression, individual freedom, and most of all, the world's best playground. For years I worked at a conventional job, conscientiously climbing the corporate ladder, using my head, enjoying the puzzles my work presented, but only minimally feeding my spirit. In what free time I had, I searched for a better fit, something that Tiggers really like. And now I've found it. In the summer of 2006 I took the thrilling, terrifying leap, and River Otter Pottery was born.
I've worked with clay for a long time, starting in high school when I apprenticed for a summer with a potter on Cape Cod. Even then, despite my frustrations, I knew there was something soul-satisfying about playing in the mud. For years, work and clay ran parallel; then, thanks in large part to Joh Fulwood of Kissimmee River Pottery, I stepped away fully from the conventional to embrace the creative spirit in me. And what a joy it has been. The possibilities are endless: exploring the blend of form and function, indulging in flights of fancy, confronting the complex challenges of construction in my more elaborate, sculptural work, not to mention learning and relearning the unpredictable dance between glaze and flame. Each project is a new game, each day another day on the playground. And while the act of creation itself is immensely and richly satisfying, my hope is that one of my pieces will set off a flicker of fun in your spirit, or a quiet moment of peace in your heart, so you can share in my delight.
- Marian van Buren
For those of you who are CV oriented, here’s a record of my ceramic studies:
Instructor, Kissimmee River Pottery: current
Steven Hill Workshops:
· Multiple hands on and demonstration workshops
· Two year-long intensive study workshops, 2007-2008, 2016-2017
Kissimmee River Pottery, John Fulwood
· Studio Assistant 2006-2007
· Student, 2003 to 2005
Ann Tsubota, Raritan Valley Community College, 1996-2001
Demonstration workshops with other clay artists (alphabetical, not chronological):
· Peter Callas, Peter Voulkos, Janet Mansfield and Don Rietz: Creating work for the anagama
· Beth Cavener – human scale animal sculpture
· Mitch Lyons: monoprinting on clay
· Jeff Shapiro – Anagama wood firing
· Bob Smith – Sagger firing and naked raku
· Bill van Guilder – functional pottery
· Royce Yoder – functional pottery